Where your donations go
A new echo machine
for Nobles Hospital
It allows the Paediatric and Adult cardiology services to obtain and share high quality cardiac images which will improve patient care. It is a huge leap forward in cardiac imaging on the island.

Blankets for the CCU
Due to COVID-19, the hospital was unable to provide a festive atmosphere for patients and visitors. We provided 15 festive-themed blankets to bring a little cheer around.

Over the last years, we have given defibrillators throughout the island. The last ones that have been installed are located at the Southern 100 building and the swimming pool in Castletown.

Cardiac Nurse
For a number of years we had funded a dedicated cardiac nurse. We are hoping to be able to facilitate the return of this great service.

Stage 4 Cardiac Rehabilitation
In the autumn of 2017, we funded the first Stage 4 post heart event classes to be held in the IOM. This vital service has enabled recent heart patients to gain strength and mobility after their heart operations and procedures.

Nobles Hospital
£420,000 worth of Essential Equipment were donated to different departments:
Cardiac Care Unit
2 Echo machines costing £62,000,
1 exercise testing system costing £26,000,
25 cardiac event monitors costing £37,000,
20 Holter recording and analysis systems costing £137,000 and
5 CCU trolleys costing £5,000.
1 GE Vivid E95 Echo system costing £120,000.
A&E Department
2 ECG machines costing £10,000 each.
Children's Ward
1 ECG machine costing £10,000.
1 Blood Gas Analyser costing £3,000.

Manx Heart Foundation
7 Ballacriy Park,
Isle of Man